I have a piece of her work and have attended a workshop run by her. Although I have enjoyed the study which included looking at the origins of Japanese and Western woodblock printing and identifying their influences on Jo's work, I realise it would have been a lot easier to have chosen an artist of whom a lot had been written - there would have been more information available and more images. However, the study has given me the opportunity to identify in greater detail what it is I like about her work and that has led me to a greater understanding of what I want to express and how I want my prints to develop.

I will use woodblock for this final print because it is a medium I am very interested in and like to explore, and because it is Jo's favoured printing method. I felt that the design for the final piece had to aim to demonstrate the qualities that I like in Jo's work - the quietness, "fleeting moments", nature and have a meditative quality.

I spent time looking through photographs I had taken. These tend to be visual reminders of images that I felt, at the time, would bear further investigation and I found many of leaves against the sky. I also found many photographs of dead leaves as I like the sculptural shapes they make as they desiccate.
There is a Japanese concept called "wabi sabi" - basically it is an appreciation of the beauty in everyday, often imperfect objects. I feel that this concept sums up Jo's work and that the dead leaves with the memory of summer but with a particular beauty of their own in their form and colour are often overlooked.
"Wabi sabi art challenges us to unlearn our views on beauty and to rediscover the intimate beauty to be found in the smallest details of nature's artistry" from Wabi sabi: the japanese art of impermanence by Andrew Juniper http://www.ribabookshops.com/item/wabi-sabi-the-japanese-art-of-impermanence/75151/

I have drawn some images but can not resolve, to my satisfaction, the feeling that the resultant image would be a vignette rather than a composed completed image, so have returned to my library of images and sketches for inspiration. Looking at Jo's images again, I feel that they do have a simplicity, an abstraction about them. She has the ability to cut away extraneous detail and allow the view to focus on the form and this does enhance the feeling of a frozen moment in time.
I have decided to sketch and develop more themes to give myself time to decide on the image that I wanted to explore further.