The next day something totally different. Frances Hatch aims to incorporate her emotional responses to the landscape, and often that includes her impressions of the noises around her whether they are natural such as birds and winds or mechanical such as a CD playing in the background. Frances started by playing us some music and asking us to respond in various ways with a variety of implements and media. We were drawing on some discarded brown paper which had been crumbled and then straightened so not precious and everyone seemed prepared and ready to thrown themselves into it. The resulting pieces covered a huge range from abstract and wild to realistic and restrained. This set the mood for the day as we progressed through a series of exercises using collage - some from the first pieces which had been reduced to small cuttings, the discarded pieces providing useful collage material. Frances introduced us to 'Oblique strategies" a set of cards used for making decisions -
instructions Frances had given us. The comment of the card led me to the thought that the mark was restricting and that I could break it - this I did with collage pieces and think the final piece benefits.
The strategy I found today when I looked was 'Define an area as 'safe' and use it as an anchor' - will have to think how that impacts on my current art project of portraits!
The third day was with Emily Ball. By this time most of us were flagging with the usual midweek slump of energy. Emily came in with lots of ideas and energy. We spent some time just making marks with charcoal - an enjoyable exercise that never fails to surprise and delight. We practised making light and dark and changing the weight of the lines - very basic but something we all need to be reminded of from time to time. We then held hands with a partner and described the hand of the person just by touch - my drawing looked nothing like a hand unlike some of the otheres but I was surprised how much information for a drawing could be found just by touch alone.
the marks we made as a direct response to the touch and feel of the object. I enjoyed this and I feel it has helped me to become more aware of the range of marks and how the viewer responds to them. I had already been looking at Van Gogh's mark making in his drawings so was very aware of how boringly nondescript my mark making was.
Emily told us the aim was to "Animate the inanimate" or to give life to the objects we were drawing by being aware of them three dimensionally and trying to give an awareness to the viewer of that. I used the same little dried up fish as inspiration for all three drawings - amazing how they differ.
The final day was with Martin Ward This was a short day being the last of the course and stared with a block of wood - we were asked to place it in a position with other elements to give it sculptural significance and drawing it.
After that we arranged for the block to be cut into two to our individual requirements - placed the two elements in a different location and
again drew them. Apart from being very tired and having difficulty with angles, proportions and straight lines I enjoyed the exercise. Not much mark making in my efforts compared to most others in the group, and I was a lot less imaginative in the placement but I felt the mass of the wood was shown. I have shown placement of the blocks as the 3D is more interesting to me than my drawings.
The course developed during the week, each day standing independently but in fact building on the previous days and, I feel, coming in full circle with angles and proportions and measurement.
On reflection, I felt that I learnt something new each day, the main being that when representing something in 2D, it is essential to be aware and try to make the viewer aware of the fact that it is 3D - a variation in mark making, weight of the mark and portraying the mass of the object can help with this as well as accurate observation.
Taking time to look before plunging in with the charcoal, pencil or brush or cutting tool is the most important message I have brought away with me - something that was repeated by each and every tutor.